Google Sites and SSL/HTTPS

For those of us that run websites based on Google Sites, the recent boost in search rankings for HTTPS websites, and the subsequent devaluing of unsecured HTTP websites, may have hurt us. However, there is no way to enable HTTPS…

Feedly and IFTTT

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Before, integration between Feedly and IFTTT worked for free. Now, it does not. Instead, use Pocket as a go between. Save to Pocket, then use Pocket to post to WordPress or connect to your other services. As a bonus, tagged…

COUNTIF, Comparisons, and Cell References

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While using the COUNTIF/COUNTIFS functions in Excel, I ran across a problem where the formula wouldn’t run. Needless to say, this is very frustrating. A simple numerical comparison works fine: =COUNTIF(A1:A10,”<10″) But a comparison using a cell reference does not…


Kids have a wonderful sense of what’s possible and what’s not. A lot of them ask if I have children, and I point to the nearest kid and say that it’s my son or daughter. We all laugh a little.…


Americans love to talk about how exciting, beautiful, or fun their experiences were in foreign countries. Many people especially love to talk about those experiences with natives of the visited country. Japanese people are no different. Sometimes they tell me…


Sometimes I ask children about their parents to get to know them. Most of them say things like “my dad is as tall as you” or “I don’t know how old my mom is.” One time, I asked a 2nd…