Category Tech, Net, and Solutions

Raspberry Pi USB Boot Mode

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About Boot Mode The Raspberry Pi 3 can now be booted from a compatible USB drive. It works pretty well, but there are no noticeable differences in speed between a good SD card and a good USB drive. Primarily, cost…

Raspbian Jessie – Dig not found

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While updating my RPi for a Cloudflare auto-ip-updater script, I ran into an issue where the dig command couldn’t be found. Also, the dnsutils package containing dig was not in the Raspbian repository. So, you can easily replace the dnsutils…

Portable Flash

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I’m not the first to admit it. I hate updating software on Windows. All the different installers clamoring for attention and constant updates needing this and that are annoying. The Linux apt system is much friendlier. There are some ways…