How do you set up a Gandi Blog with Windows Live Writer?
Gandi, a very good domain name registrar, offers free dotclear 2.0 blogs with every domain registration. Here is how to set up Windows Live Writer to work with the blog.
First, log into your Gandi blog account. Click on Blog Settings. Activate the XML/RPC interface under Blog configuration
. Click on save
, and you should get a block of text under the save button like this:
XML/RPC interface
XML/RPC interface allows you to edit your blog with an external client.
XML/RPC interface is active. You should set the following parameters on your XML/RPC client:
Server URL:
RandomStringBlogging system: Movable Type User name:YourUserNamePassword: your password Blog ID:BlogIDNumber
Next, open up Windows Live Writer. When it asks you for the type of blog you are using, select Other services
. If it asks you to select a blog type, select Movable Type
and input the Server URL shown above into the Remote Posting Web Address
After that, add your Gandi account information (username and password) and the address of the blog (http://BlogSubDomain.YourDomain.TLD). After that, you should be good to go. Happy bloggings!